After School Academy 24-25
Academic Competitions
- Name That Book
- American Mathematics Competition
- Math Kangaroo
- Math Counts
- Spelling Bee Competition
Name That Book
Sponsor/Advisor: Mrs. E. Ibrahmovic
Purpose: Name That Book is a competition for upper elementary and intermediate school students celebrating the love of reading. Student teams compete to identify quotes from books of various genres in this exciting event!
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $100
American Mathematics Competition
Sponsor/Advisor: Ms. Siddiqui
Meetings: Tuesday
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $100 plus competition fees TBD
Purpose: HOSA offers 58 competitive events, ranging from skill-based to leadership and team-based. The event groups are as follows: Health science, health professions, leadership, and recognition events. Members compete at the regional, state, and international levels. Those who place in the top three positions at the state level are given the opportunity to compete at the international level.
Math Kangaroo
Math Counts
Spelling Bee Competition
- Flag Football
- Cheerleading
- Girls Basketball
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Volleyball
- Boys Volleyball
- Girls Soccer
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Cross Country
- Boys Cross Country
- Girls Track and Field
- Boys Track and Field
Flag Football
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach: Williams and Asst. Coach: Coach Proo
Requirements: MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: TBD (Practices Mon, Tues and some Fridays) Games will be on Thursdays.
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fee: $80- must be paid before first game
Sponsor/Advisor: Ms. Luate
Requirements: Must have a sports physical to tryout and there will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and must follow Harmony's code of conduct to continue being on the team.
Meetings: TBD
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $350 (plus competition fees TBD)
Girls Basketball
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Okoye and Asst Coach Martinez
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Mon and Wed (November thru February)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Boys Basketball
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Martinez and Asst Coach Okoye
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Tues and Thurs (November thru February)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Girls Volleyball
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Vente and Asst Coach Martinez
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Mon, Tues and Thurs (Aug to Nov)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Boys Volleyball
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Martinez and Asst Coach Vente
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Mon, Tues and Thurs (Aug to Nov)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Girls Soccer
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Dirks and Asst Coach Ticas
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: TBD
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Boys Soccer
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Ticas and Asst Coach Dirks
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: TBD
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Girls Cross Country
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Martinez
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Tues and Thurs (Aug to Oct)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Boys Cross Country
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Martinez
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Tues and Thurs (Aug to Oct)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Girls Track and Field
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Martinez and Asst Coach Okoye
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Tues and Thurs (Feb to April)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Boys Track and Field
Sponsor/Advisor: Head Coach Okoye and Asst Coach Martinez
Requirements MUST have sports physical to tryout and it will be a selection process/evaluation. Students must be passing all classes and follow Harmony's code of conduct to remain on the team.
Meetings: Tues and Thurs (Feb to April)
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $80
Mentoring & Organizations
- 6th grade Student Council (STUCO)
- 7th Grade Student Council (STUCO)
- 8th Grade Student Council (STUCO)
- Future Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL)
Sponsor/Advisor: Ms. Joubarani and Ms. Mason
Requirements: The National Junior Honor Society chapter of Harmony School of Excellence – Sugar Land is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of this prestigious national organization. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students are selected for membership by majority vote of a five-member faculty council, which bestows this honor upon qualified members.
Only 8th grade students are eligible for membership. For the initial scholarship criterion, a student
must have a final grade of 85 and above in each subject last year. Please know that no late
documents will be accepted.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 8th
Fees: Fees are due upon acceptance
Please download and print application
6th grade Student Council (STUCO)
7th Grade Student Council (STUCO)
8th Grade Student Council (STUCO)
Future Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL)
Sponsor/Advisor: Mr. Andy Cactic
Meetings: Thursdays
Grade Level: All
Fees: $100
Purpose: FBLA-PBL is a dynamic organization of young people preparing for success as leaders in our businesses, government, and communities. This site was created to help current and prospective FBLA-PBL members find information about the association, its programs and services, and its members. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the largest career student business organization in the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business.
Curricular Clubs
- Music Club
- Yearbook Club
- 4-H Gardening
- Math Club
- Sports Club (Badminton Club)
- Sports Club (Table Tennis)
- 4-H Cooking Club
- Sports Club (Step Team Club)
- Board Game Club (Chess)
- Arts & Crafts Club
- Storytelling Club
- Cinema Club
Music Club
Yearbook Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Mr. A. Baktash and Ms. Joubarani
Meetings: Tues
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $50
Purpose: A student publication is a media outlet such as a newspaper, magazine, television show, or radio station produced by students at an educational institution. These publications typically cover local and school-related news, but they may also report on national or international news as well. Most student publications are either part of a curricular class or run as an extracurricular activity.
4-H Gardening
Math Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Ms. Arief
Meetings: Tues
Grade Level: 6th, 7th and 8th
Fees: $50
Purpose: Math Club provides an opportunity for students to challenge themselves in the area of mathematics. Students will experience fun and challenging math problems that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.